Update from the Andersen’s
We had an incredible start up with lots of ice breakers, worshiping in the rain, bonfires and good conversations! It’s been so beautiful to see how quickly the students have engaged in worship, prayer and the teachings, they are a hungry bunch and it’s only week 2!!
So far we’ve had teaching on The Gospel by Geir Fagerbakke and this week we have Paul Yadao sharing on The Father Heart of God.
It’s beautiful to be reminded for a whole week the importance of living our lives out of sonship and in knowing who we are because of Him!We actually wanted to use this newsletter to share some testimonies of what God has been doing lately! We believe it’s encouraging and faith building to share stories of what God is doing in and through our lives and we hope it leaves you feeling encouraged as well!

One Saturday we joined evangelism with some people from local churches to make waffles and coffee for people on the street and as you see here, Goran was able to share the gospel and give some Farsi bibles to two Iranian woman that came by.
I (Laura) saw a lady and her daughter standing a little distance away from our stand who looked very interested in what we were doing. I walked up to her and asked if her daughter wanted a waffle (which she did) and so while we waited for one I got to talk to her and ask a few questions about life and if she knew Jesus. She said she had gone to church before but since moving to our city she hadn’t found a church and that it was difficult with her husband, that he wouldn’t go. I could tell there was something there so I just spoke some words of love and value over her.. telling her that «Jesus sees her, knows her, has not left her and that she is worthy of love». She started crying and I hugged her and prayed for her. She said «I really needed this today, I really did». We got to give her daughter a bible and I encouraged her to find a church and a good community.
If you like, please pray that she is able to find a church and that her husband would come to know the love of Jesus!

My (Gøran) heart is to equip people in sharing their faith, that is why I am leading a track called «Jesus Lifestyle» in the school. So last Saturday we did evangelism in the form of treasure hunting, which means to pray to get specific words and pictures from God before we go out.
One of the students that I was with had seen a vision of a girl with blonde hair, a blue sweater, black pants and white shoes, and that she had pain in the very low parts of the back, he also got a certain place. So we went to that place, and funnily enough my sister and brother in law with our little cute niece were there. As we talked with them my student pointed out that my sister was the exact girl he had seen in prayer, and I went like «ooh yea!! thats right!» And she needed healing in her tail bone, so we got to pray for her!
I got some norwegian words like (markering, torvet, scene, preach the gospel) which roughly translated to english means (public awereness event, the square, stage and preach the gospel)
So we went to this particular square in town and we saw that they were putting up an event and it turned out to be an event protesting for freedom for women in Iran. We got to talk to some people there and share the gospel with some. Then as the event was going on, I got the thought, «what if God wants me to share from the stage?» but they had a program and so on. Then my friend Kristian came by who is from Iran, and I share my heart and he said «YES, good idea, I’m going to talk to them» so he came back and said «It’s all good you can share, you have 1 minute»
So after a while I got called up and I got to share how both women and men are created in Gods image and likeness and that we shared equal value, and that God loves them all etc. How good is God!!!

– I (Laura) managed to go to the gym for the first time in 3 years!! It was a huge victory and I’ve been able to go back a few more times since then!
– I have also been able to be at the base more often and have joined in on worship and teachings!
Everything I’m doing at the moment really is trial and error. Sometimes I manage more some days than other days and I’m in a «testing» life out stage. But I am so grateful for all I can do and would appreciate prayers for healing and wisdom as I keep moving forward!