Update from the Andersen´s
Hey friends!
So much has happened in this past month and it was definitely time for an update!
Since our last email, the DTS has ended and we’ve closed the chapter on yet another school!
God did such amazing things in the hearts of the students and there’s such incredible stories of healings and miracles from outreach.. every year we are just in awe of all God does!
He is truly moving in the nations and is touching the hearts of people everywhere! It’s incredible to get to partner with Him to see lives transformed through the obedience of the students, staff and us!
Here are a few short testimonies of things the students have experienced!
«Before outreach I felt God say to me that I would see baptisms take place on outreach. However 7 weeks into outreach we had not seen any baptisms so I got pretty frustrated and thought «maybe it won’t happen».
A little while later we were out on the streets evangelising and I was playing guitar while others spoke to people around us. Suddenly Gøran runs up to me and says «Some of these guys want to get baptized!»
I was excited but was thinking… «Ah it’s Africa.. things don’t always happen here even though people say it will» so I doubted it would happen. But then a few days later, there we were, standing at the local YWAM base, around a hole they had dug in the ground and put a tarp in, filled it with water and we got to baptize these 3 guys that had given their lives to the Lord!!!!»
When He speaks, He is faithful to see it through!!!
South Asia:
«Our team was ministering and praying for people and some were praying for a girl that was both mute and deaf in her left ear. They prayed for a long time and the girl noticed a little bit of change. They moved on and continued to pray for others but God really put this girl on my heart and I felt that He wasn’t finished with her yet.
I went over to her and prayed for her for the next 30 minutes!! Her ear fully opened up and she started to speak!! She was completely healed!!!»
I’m not really the type of person who finds it easy to start conversations up in evangelism or to share the gosepl so I wasn’t really thinking I would do this on outreach. But one day we were out doing evangelism in the local marketplace and I started to share the gospel to this man we met. I didn’t realise it but as I was sharing a crowd was gathering around and were also listening. The man gave his life to Jesus and then more people started to come and give their lives to Jesus! They told me that they didn’t have any money to offer me but I shared that you don’t need to pay, the gospel message is free! Salvation through Jesus is free!
Then man that first gave his life to Jesus started sharing the message he had just heard with 2 others right after!»
South East Asia:
» One evening we decided spontaneously to attend a youth gathering, and after the meeting was finished a young girl approached me and asked to speak with me privately. She said that she was not a follower of Christ but did pray once in a while, so the day before she had prayed and asked God for westerners to come to church so that she could openly speak about something that she had been struggling with. So she began to tell me how having sex outside of marriage in Indonesia was now illegal in the country, but she was spending a lot of time sleeping around with her boyfriend and some other friends and she really enjoyed it, but was conflicted about it and if it was separating her from ever having a relationship with God. But she could not discuss it with anyone because she would be punished in one way or another. So for the first time she was able to ask questions and talk freely about what was going on in her life and asked for advice. I had the opportunity to speak life into the situation, and to tell her that she never had to be afraid to come to Jesus when she was ready, that he wouldn’t shame her for what she had done, but that he would receive her as she is. She was not ready this night to receive Jesus, but she left sooo encouraged with the knowledge that it was possible to be set free from this. And it was such a blessing that God brought us there this night to be available for this girl»
These are just a few of the amazing testimonies some of the students and staff experienced on outreach! Others saw legs grow out, lame people walk for the first time, people received a passion to share the gospel, they saw personal healing and breakthroughs, got to encourage people to start reading the bible again and they saw many, many people give their lives to Jesus!!!

– After the school ended we had some time off, so we were blessed to spend a few days at Gøran’s uncles cabin. We got to show my brother Luke the cabin life of Norway, hot dogs while skiing and practice some snowboarding!
ALSO… Praise report!! I (Laura) was actually able to join a skiing trip and take two trips down the mountain snowboarding… It was such a victory point for my health!!!
– Today Gøran headed off to South Africa. He’ll be there for around 5 days at an International Gathering for DTS leaders worldwide. After that he’ll travel to Turkey to connect with some friends there and scout out potential future connections for ministry and team trips.
-Gøran and the team have also started planning the next DTS in September. It’s exciting to start dreaming with God and seeing what His heart is for this next school! Even though it’s the same teaching and often the same teachers each school is still so unique and God always wants to do something new/fresh in each DTS.
– Safe travels for Gøran and for favour with the connections and people he meets! For open doors into Turkey and clear direction!
– For my brother Luke that he’d be able to find good community here!
– That our hearts would continue to be more and more hungry for more of God and to see His presence poured out in and through our lives!