Update from the Andersen’s

How these past few months have flown by! We are now nearing the end of Lecture Phase, this is the last week of teaching the students have before Christmas break and then Outreach!! We want to take some time to share some highlights from the last few weeks about what God has been doing and also share about what’s to come!
Lots of healings have taken place in peoples bodies, like different injuries and pains, sleeplessness, anxieties, acid reflux, and other inner healings!
Healing of the Orphan Spirit:
So many of the students have really experienced Papa God for the first time in their life, and today they are living as His children, enjoying the new relationship they have with Papa God, where they get to hear His voice and receive the incredible love He is pouring out on them. This has resulted in a lot of healing and forgiveness from past hurts, traumas and abuse.
I really enjoy the testimonies of where God just suddenly pours out His gifts on people. Most of the students has received the gift of tongues, and many of them received it while being prayed for to be baptized by the Holy Spirit during Holy Spirit week. But 3 or more just suddenly got it randomly in the middle of other prayer times, or personal prayer times with Papa God. One girl told me that during a time of intercession, I was sharing that I felt we should all pray in tongues, and right then she got the gift of tongues and started speaking it out! Many of them are prophesying now and moving quite powerfully in the prophetic and several of the students have been able to pray for healing and seen healing take place while ministering in some local churches.
Early in the school one of our students who had been struggling shared she had felt a little breakthrough, and I felt God wanted me to partner with Him in what He was doing in her life as she was on the verge of throwing in the towel and going back to her home country. I went over to pray for her and I felt lead to pray for freedom and deliverance, then God’s presence came over her and she suddenly fell forward into my arms and she said afterwards that she felt this huge heavy load that she had been carrying lift off her and she felt so free!
So many of the students have gotten a calling for going into the mission field through this lecture phase and all of the students hearts has been broken for the lost and unreached people groups in this world. Others have gotten confirmations through prophetic words about their dreams and desires that they’ve had from before!
Several students came to DTS not fully sure if God existed and this was them giving their relationship with God one last chance. Today they are full of faith and because of that they are experiencing God so much! Most of the students have made Jesus Lord of their lives for the first time, which in practical terms means that they have surrendered their future to God, their wants and desires, their rights for comfort, family, where to live, what to do and chosen to fully follow Jesus wherever He is leading them! It’s incredibly beautiful to see!
Most of us grow up with the message «Our voice isn’t important», whether it’s from other people in our lives, or the culture we’re living in. Many students come to our schools with a sense of unworthiness, low self esteem, withdrawn and shy. In Norway we have something called «Jantelov» or «the law of Jante» and this is a cultural stigma that says «Don’t think you are anything special, don’t think you know something, dont think you are worth anything, dont think you are a good at something». These are lies that hold us back from speaking up and daring to be different. The students have received an incredible sense of worth, healthy self esteem and been built up to understand their significance in God. This has resulted in many of them believing they have a voice and that they dare to speak up in front of other people and share what’s on their hearts and minds. They dare to dream big again and believe they can go into all the spheres of society and make a change!
What’s to come?
– Between 4-6th Jan we will be sending out all the teams to their outreach locations! They will be travelling to Tanzania, Indonesia, Thailand and India/Nepal!!!
– Towards the end of January Gøran and I will travel to the team in Thailand for a Pastoral visit. It’s basically just a check in with the leaders to support and love on them and to help the team in any way we can! We will be there for around 2 weeks and then Gøran will travel to Tanzania and join the team there for another 2 weeks and I will travel home. We are SUPER excited to get into the nations again!
It is a very expensive trip due to flight tickets increasing in price so if you would like to help us get there and support our trip then I’ll add some giving information below!
But for now enjoy some pictures of our last few weeks!

100% healing on the streets
Just then my christan friend came out as we were rejoicing, and we said to the Hungarian guy to listen to my friend because he’s got all the answers! 🙂